Learn Transform Thrive

Classical Yoga & Conscious Living
Tools for a Soul-Full Life

Isha offers a space of inspiration & support on your path of transformation, healing & spiritual growth.

Join our classes, workshops & retreats or benefit from individualised support through private consultations, in person and online.

Whether you prefer small group settings or one-on-one sessions, we’re sure that you’ll find just the right fit.

Classes Workshops


Classical Yogic Practice | Yogic Lifestyle | Holistic Wellness
Classes | Workshops | Trainings | 3-14 day Retreats

Holistic Guidance &

Private sessions draw upon the holistic approaches of Classical Yoga & Yoga Therapy, Spiritual Psychology, creative expression and Somatic Experiencing.
Learn to listen to your different sources of Knowing & move from your wounds to Wisdom.


Our Collective includes experts in the fields of the healing arts and wisdom traditions in Nepal who have dedicated their lives to their craft. Consultations with them are empowering, life enhancing and life changing.

  • The purpose of yoga is to liberate man from the limits he has placed on himself. 

    Swami Satyananda

  • The future will depend on what you do now. You are the architect of your future. You are the mistress of your mind.

    Swami Satyananda Saraswati

  • Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.


  • Put your heart, mind and soul into even the smallest things you do. This is the secret of success.

    Swami Sivananda

The Inspiration behind Isha

Isha is the “Awakened Heart”

This effulgent Heart is what we strive to live & offer in all that we do at the Isha Institute.

In pursuit of this, we uphold the values of tolerance, respect, excellence, sincerity & commitment.

Isha’s inspiration comes from the rich tradition of the Bihar School of Yoga and its spiritual luminaries & guides—Swami Sivananda, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati & Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati—embodiments of selfless service, self mastery & compassion.


“Give Evolution a Chance”